Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pregnancy: 33 Week Update

I'm having lots of contractions, and the baby has dropped considerably over the last 2 days. Doc says perhaps any day. If he comes tomorrow, she says he may be a little rare, but not expecting any complications. She would like to see him stay and bake at least another 2-3 weeks. In other words, we WON'T be making it to the Jan. 16th due date ;-)

Baby Copee is moving around quite a bit, or should I say wallowing, and having lengthy bouts of hiccups. I actually slept last night for the first time in a week. It felt so goooooooood!!

We have even less time than we thought, so we are in a mad rush to get the nursery assembled and everything ready!!!! Aaron has moved from his bedroom across the hall (which is now the nursery) to a new bedroom downstairs. It has been dubbed "The Man Cave". He is all excited. Our thanks to Pawpaw, the foreman!


Sher Bear said...

Congratulations the time is near
when you'll finally hold your new baby.. so dear.

What a blessing from God! I'm so excited for your family. Best wishes for a wonderful delivery.

Love in Christ,
Sherri "Country Girl" Hopkins

Mike Copeland said...

Thanks so much, CG. Thank you for all your prayers.